Conference Costs

NAEYC Members: 1 Day


NAEYC Members: 2 Day


Non Member: 1 Day


Non Member: 2 Day


Students: 1 Day


Students: 2 Day


Make the Case to Attend the Early Learning Conference

Step 1: Become Familiar with the Schedule and Speakers

To secure your supervisor’s support and potential funding for attending The Early Learning Conference at Central Oregon Community College, start by reviewing the program schedule and speakers. The organized Core Knowledge Categories and this year’s theme, emphasizing STEM and Teacher Wellness, should be highlighted to underscore the relevance and potential benefits of your participation.

Check out the Schedule on our website for an overview of sessions and presenters.

Step 2: Determine Your Top 3 Reasons for Attending

To build a persuasive case for attending the Conference, identify reasons aligned with your professional goals and organizational benefits. Be sure to provide your reason as well as a sentence or two about how this will benefit you and your program. Examples might include, 

  • I hope to gain access to cutting-edge research about support children’s early STEM experiences so that I can implement these ideas in the classroom,
  • I am hoping to grow in my professional learning while earning college credit toward my degree/certificate in early learning,
  • I am excited for the opportunity to network and learn with other early learning practitioners, 
  • I hope to advance in my steps in the Oregon Registry Online, or
  • I need to fulfill annual licensing training hours. 

Step 3: Build a Sample Schedule

After reviewing the COC-ORAEYC Early Learning Conference’s diverse programming and reflecting on your objectives, pinpoint the sessions and events that align with your goals.

Step 4: Tally Anticipated Cost

Anticipate and outline the associated costs of your attendance in your request to your boss for the conference. Incorporate these figures into your letter, emphasizing potential cost-saving opportunities to demonstrate a frugal mindset and underscore your commitment to saving the program money.

Step 5: Craft an Absentee Plan

Facilitate approval from your boss by outlining a seamless plan for your absence. List your main responsibilities and travel days, then identify team members capable of handling these tasks. If a substitute is required, make arrangements. Conclude with a communication plan to notify relevant individuals of necessary actions during your conference attendance.

Step 6: Send a Formal Request Letter

Integrate your reasons for attendance, associated costs, and an organized plan for your absence into a formal request letter. Consider your manager’s perspective, emphasizing the conference as a worthwhile investment and effectively selling the benefits of your participation.

2025 Early Learning Conference Countdown






